Sunday, January 6, 2008

What a fantastic end to 2007

On New Year’s Eve, instead of wasting myself with my friends or hibernating at home, I went to a family dinner, alone. It was organized by my dad’s side; I’m never really close to them, I can never be no matter what. It’s not like I never ever mixed with them or played with my cousins. I just can’t remember much about my childhood with them as compared to the times when I was with those from my mom’s side. How should I put this? In short, people from mom’s side are more relaxed whereas those from dad’s are like tensed. At least that’s the feeling they give me.

“How many As did you get? Which course did you get in the university? I’m sure university is an easy cruise for you. (to my dad)How much is your salary? How long have you been driving that car? My son bought a brand new one last month.”

I think you got the idea. Snore.

I thought I was late but it turns out I was one of the first few to reach there. Great. All the more awkward time to pass. Soon more and more people came, half of them which either I have never spoken to before or had already forgotten. Awesome. I sat around while they stood at the lobby chatting away. Why won’t they just go in and eat already? Or they could at least chat inside! One boy about my age, I presume he’s my cousin, was stealing 40 winks on the couch. Hmm. He hates this too. And he was outright showing it by sleeping. And nobody cared. And I can’t possibly do that.

Time passed by slowwwwly and I was turning into the next scariest serial murderer trying to kill off that time. Inside I was cursing. I waited for those that I’m more familiar with, i.e someone who probably shares the same idea about the family to go in. If I go in at the same time as them, I can probably sit with them. I got in behind them and success! I got to sit where I wanted to.

The person next to me was my cousin’s husband and they both are doctors. I took this chance to ask about my blue black nails. He told me that if the bruise covers the white part at the root of my nails, it can never grow back. That was the scenario on my left toe, at least a quarter of it.

“What?! It can never grow back, ever?!”


And then he was distracted by his daughter and I was left to panic. Just like a Mr. Bean moment where he panics and does something stupid when there really wasn’t anything to panic about at all. I hope there isn’t any in my case. Imagine, no toe nail!

One big difference between mom’s side and dad’s side on the dining table is that, nothing is left behind with my mom’s side. They’re hungry monsters. Whereas dad’s side…they kept telling me that I should eat because I’m skinny. I am NOT skinny. With every dish they kept telling me to eat. I’m eating okay!

Other than meeting a couple of cousins which I had not seen since I was 5, nothing bout the dinner is new. Oh yea, a few people are expecting. Like I care, I hate kids.

Here’s the video.

See, I was eating and the rest on the table was not! I was the only one eating! And they say I don’t eat. Sheesh.

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