Monday, January 14, 2008

Eureka! - Furoshiki and Origami

I'm mad mad in love with Japan. I should be falling mad mad in love with school but this is what I'm doing; making cloth book covers and bags for it, going to make furoshiki, and now i've just discovered a brilliant way to fold T-shirt. Perfect for a lazy ass like me. Let's go through my eureka one by one. Forget the bag I made yesterday, I'm too lazy to take a photo of it right now. Let's just go with whatever that I can grab online.

First the furoshiki:

You can visit the website for a larger view.

And now for the wonderment I discovered a minute ago: How to fold your T-shirt the easy way. I was so excited I showed it to my mom but she said she already knew. She already knew but she didn't brag it to me!

Is that amazing or what? Try it and tell me if you choked on your own saliva being amazed about the marvel you can do. I'm so elated!

If you still can't catch it, watch an English version. This boy even shows you another method to fold T-shirt the lazyman's way. Suits me. Try searching in YouTube and you'll be amazed at how many guys are actually folding their T-shirts.

Damn there's even an upgraded version!

You know what? Here's the bag I made yesterday:

It holds my planner cover so it doesn't get dirty and I don't have to wash it.

And here's more origami:

How to fold socks:

A bit of a redundancy I know. Just remember, 1/3, 1/3.

How to fold socks like you didn't fold it (the magician's way):

And your unfashionable underwear:

Looks like a lot of work. My underwear drawer looks more like the second sock drawer of the 1st socks origami video.

And now your trousers:

Super lame, I know. Moving on!

Here's the way to do it. This guy has Method 1...

and Method 2...

and a sense of humour too. Hmm. You know what? There is no special way of folding trousers. Give up.

Here's a Sesame Street version on how to fold your bra while wearing only a bra -_-". Guys, you may not need to fold one but I can bet my money you still want to watch it.

My god, everyone is obsessed with folding! I better stop before I turn into a YouTube ambassador.

P.S. Posting all these videos sorta sobered me down. The elation is gone now. Damn. Ecstasy pills! Or maybe I should go take my dinner before I need to fold my stomach.


joyfulchicken said...

Whoa, so many videos. I only watched the last one :-D

CCCHNG said...


What? There's only 10. Oh ya...ten.
I command you to watch them! You tolerated badger badger badger!

Katherine said...

Yeah, video after video after video...zzzzzz...:P Joke! :P

Hehehehe...I know about that t-shirt folding too. Really cool, right? :P

CCCHNG said...

Yea but I never practice it. Hmm...Nande?